Womb Massage: 1:1 Sacred Womb Healing & Body Work experience


Your womb holds the key to your deepest transformation. It is the portal through which life, creativity, and your unique soul essence flow into this world. 

What if the very limitations, patterns, and pain you’ve been carrying are the gateways to your greatest expansion?

This isn’t just a massage, It’s a rebirth. A sacred invitation to release what no longer serves you and activate the potential waiting to be birthed through you.

Why Womb Massage?

Your womb carries ancient stories, both yours and those passed down through your lineage. Some are gifts, others are trauma, suppression, fear / energetic blocks that limit your ability to create, love, and thrive fully.

In this sacred space, we clear, release, and alchemise. Each layer of emotional and cellular memory you shed creates space for new possibilities, expanded creativity, and a deeper connection to your divine feminine power.

This is for you if:

You feel trapped in repeating cycles—be it emotional, physical, or spiritual—and know it’s time to break free.

You are deeply drawn to sacred women’s medicine and ready to experience a safe, intimate space where true healing can occur.

You feel the call to reconnect with your body, reclaim your power, and birth something extraordinary into this world.

What to Expect:

A non-intrusive massage of the upper buttocks, lower back, Pelvic line, abdomen, and ribcage. A typical session goes for appox 2 hours.

A guided meditation to support the integration of new energy and shared Blue Lotus tea while you share about your experience to ground it all in.

BONUS - Access to a Womb Healing Activation recording (90min) to help with integration & continue embodying your healing journey in your own sacred space.

BONUS - Connection call within 30 days to support your continued transformation and integration.


  • Release stored emotions and ancestral trauma, creating space for expansion and a rebirth or a new woman.

  • Activate your womb as a portal of creation, unlocking new levels of creativity, intuition, and manifestation.

  • Balance and harmonise your internal masculine and feminine energies, opening the pathway to more ease, flow, and magnetism in your life.

 Your Womb is Calling You Home. Are You Ready to Listen?

 Investment in Your Expansion: $347

Payment plans available – call 0423209946

Step into this sacred container and experience the alchemy of releasing who you’ve been to embody who you are becoming. It’s time to birth your fullest expression into the world.

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Womb Massage



Please let me know if you have any health conditions.

By agreeing to this disclaimer, the client indicates their consent to accept any result of the healing/services provided to you by Yani Foord without holding the business liable for any circumstance, condition or aggravation that may arise from any sessions. All information given during sessions is not to be replaced for a medical diagnosis or advice from a qualified professional and is subject to your own interpretation and judgement.

You agree Yani is not liable for Your desired outcomes - The goals and outcomes that you set for yourself can only be achieved by you, and not by Yani. She will guide, and advise you on techniques to reach towards your personal developmental goals. She cannot guarantee, in any way, your performance. You are responsible for your own outcomes. We will assist you as per our Client Service Agreement, however, we cannot make you do any particular action, or follow our advice, only influence you as you allow. You warrant and agree that you will not hold us accountable, responsible, or liable in any way for whatever outcomes you reach as a result of your actions or as influenced by our Services. Further, you indemnify us from any claim against us if your desired outcomes are not reached, for any reason whatsoever.

By purchasing a session you agree to the terms and conditions of this contract.

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